Find out if your Scrabble word TUX is valid or if it is not allowed to be used for the game according to the Scrabble dictionary.

TUX in Scrabble & Word with Friends Score

is TUX a Scrabble Word ?

T 1
U 1
X 8
Points: 10 Probability: 1 in 193 chance. (0.52%)
Yes, TUX is a scrabble word!

is TUX a Words With Friends Word ?

T 1
U 2
X 8
Points: 11
Yes, TUX is a WWF word!

Definition and Meaning for TUX

noun - TUX is a short term for a tuxedo, a type of formal evening suit for men.
TUX is a 3 letter word starting with T and ending with X

Anagrams for TUX

3 letter words from TUX Anagram
2 letter words from TUX Anagram

3 suffixes for TUX

  • TUXES 12
  • TUXEDO 14
  • TUXEDOS 15