Crossword Clue with T
Crossword Solver
Wordle Solver
Scrabble Solver
Anagram Solver
WWF Solver
Word Games
Crossword Solver
Wordle Solver
Scrabble Solver
Anagram Solver
WWF Solver
Word Games
the state of being elastic
the state of being electroactive
the state of being elsewhere than in particular place
the state of being embittered
the state of being embracing
the state of being emotionally aroused and worked up
the state of being emotionless
the state of being emphatical
the state of being employable
the state of being employed or having a job
the state of being endearing
the state of being engrained
the state of being enlarged
the state of being ensorcelled
the state of being enthralled
the state of being enumerable
the state of being enured
the state of being epidemic
The state of being equal
the state of being equiangular
the state of being equitable
the state of being ergative, a grammatical case found in certain languages
the state of being erosive
the state of being erratic
the state of being estranged
the state of being ethnocentric
the state of being eupeptic
the state of being evangelical
the state of being evenhanded
the state of being everyday
the state of being exaggerated
the state of being exceptional
the state of being excessively or pathologically active
The state of being excessively religious
the state of being excessively sleepy
the state of being excessively stable
the state of being excludable
the state of being excluded
the state of being excommunicated
the state of being exemplary
the state of being exhaustive
the state of being exhaustless
the state of being exorbitant
the state of being exothermic
the state of being expandable
the state of being expansive
the state of being expected
the state of being expedient
the state of being express
the state of being extemporaneous
the state of being extensional
the state of being exterior or exteriorized
the state of being external
the state of being extrinsic
the state of being extrovert
the state of being extrudable
the state of being false or untrue
the state of being familiar
the state of being far-fetched
the state of being ferrimagnetic
the state of being ferromagnetic
the state of being fertile
the state of being first in importance
the state of being flexed
the state of being forward
the state of being free from physical decay
the state of being free from public attention
the state of being free from public attraction
the state of being free of pathogenic organisms
the state of being freehanded
the state of being friends
the state of being frontal
the state of being full of bran
the state of being functional
the state of being gawkish
the state of being general
the state of being gentle
the state of being gentle, meekness, tameness
the state of being genuine
the state of being geomagnetic
the state of being gimcrack
the state of being glamorous
the state of being glaucescent, somewhat glaucous
the state of being glaucous
the state of being globose
the state of being globular
the state of being glutinous
the state of being governable
the state of being gradable
the state of being gradual
the state of being granular
the state of being graphic
the state of being grasping
the state of being gravid
the state of being grumpish
the state of being gullible
the state of being gymnospermous, having a naked seed
the state of being gynandromorph, an animal having both male and female characteristics
the state of being gynandrous
the state of being habitable
the state of being hairless
the state of being halfhearted
the state of being halfwitted
the state of being hardhanded
the state of being hardheaded
the state of being hardhearted
the state of being harmonious
the state of being hateless, without hate
the state of being hawkish
the state of being headless
the state of being headstrong
the state of being healthless
the state of being heartbroken
the state of being heartsick
the state of being hebetudinous, dull or lethargic
the state of being held in high esteem and honor
the state of being heliocentric
the state of being hemimorphic
the state of being here in this place
the state of being heritable
the state of being hermaphrodite, bearing both sexes, usually in the same flower
the state of being hermetic
the state of being herniated
the state of being hesitant
the state of being heteroblastic
the state of being heterocercal
the state of being heterogametic
the state of being heterophyllous
the state of being heteroploid
the state of being heterosexual
the state of being heterostrophic, consisting of unequal strophes; coiled contrary to the usual direction
the state of being heterothallic
the state of being heterozygous
the state of being hidden
the state of being hollow: having an empty space within
the state of being homeomorphic
the state of being homeothermic
the state of being homesick
the state of being homoblastic, derived from similar cells
the state of being homoeomeric, having all the somites alike
the state of being homoeomorphic
the state of being homoeomorphy
the state of being homogeneous
the state of being homonymous, having the same name or designation
the state of being homosexual
the state of being homozygous, inheriting a given genetic factor from both parents
the state of being honourable
the state of being hooded
the state of being horizontal
the state of being hornless
the state of being horrendous
the state of being hotheaded
the state of being houseless
the state of being housewifely
the state of being huffish
the state of being hugeous
the state of being humanitarian
the state of being humble and unimportant
the state of being humdrum
the state of being humoral
the state of being humourless
the state of being humoursome
the state of being hurtless
the state of being hydrophilic
the state of being hydrophobic
the state of being hyperacute
the state of being hyperaware
the state of being hypercatalectic
the state of being hyperexcited
the state of being hypermutable
the state of being hyperploid, in excess of but not exact multiple of diploid
the state of being hyperreactive
the state of being hyperreal
the state of being hypersexual
the state of being hypnotizable
the state of being hypodiploid, having slightly fewer than the diploid number of chromosomes
the state of being idempotent
the state of being idiomatic
the state of being idiomatical
the state of being idiomorphic
the state of being idiotical
the state of being ignitable
the state of being ignitible
the state of being ignoble
the state of being ignominious
the state of being ignorant
the state of being illegal
the state of being illegible
the state of being illegitimate
the state of being illiberal
the state of being illimitable
the state of being illiquid
the state of being illiterate
the state of being illogical
the state of being illusive
the state of being imaginable
the state of being imitable
the state of being immaculate
the state of being immaterial
the state of being immature
the state of being immediate
the state of being imminent
the state of being imminent and liable to happen soon
the state of being immiscible
the state of being immoderate
the state of being immoral
the state of being immortal
the state of being immovable
the state of being immoveable
the state of being immunogenic
the state of being immutable
the state of being impalpable
the state of being impartial
the state of being impartible, of a field, that cannot be divided up
the state of being impassable
the state of being impassible
the state of being impatient
the state of being impeccable
the state of being impecunious
the state of being impenitent
the state of being imperceptive
the state of being imperfect
the state of being imperforate
the state of being imperial
the state of being imperishable
the state of being impermanent
the state of being impermeable
the state of being impersonal
the state of being imperviable
the state of being impetuous
the state of being implacable
the state of being implausible
the state of being implicative, tending to implicate
the state of being impolite
the state of being imponderable
the state of being important
the state of being importunate
the state of being impossible
the state of being impossible to conceive
the state of being impotent
the state of being impractical
the state of being imprecise
the state of being impregnable
the state of being impressible
the state of being imprisoned
the state of being improbable
the state of being improvable
the state of being impulsive
the state of being imputable
the state of being in a sisterhood