Crossword Clue with F
Crossword Solver
Wordle Solver
Scrabble Solver
Anagram Solver
WWF Solver
Word Games
Crossword Solver
Wordle Solver
Scrabble Solver
Anagram Solver
WWF Solver
Word Games
feeds as horses
FEEDS fire
Feeds for slaughter
Feeds guests
Feeds hogs
Feeds in a pen
Feeds off of
Feeds on the farm, maybe
Feeds the fire
Feeds the furnace
Feeds the goats, perhaps
Feeds the hogs
Feeds the kitty
Feeds the lines
Feeds the pigs
Feeds the pot
Feeds without needing seconds
feeds young milk
Feeds, as a fire
Feeds, as cattle
Feeds, as hogs
Feeds, as hogs in a sty
Feeds, as pigs
Feeds, in a sty
Feeds, in the pen
Feel (for)
Feel a ___ the line
Feel a barre class
Feel a bit_, in a way
Feel a burning need (for)
Feel a dull pain
Feel a loss
Feel a need for
Feel a need for civic duty?
Feel a prickly sensation
Feel a strong desire
Feel a strong desire (for)
Feel a strong desire for or to do something
Feel a strong need
Feel a strong need (for)
feel a sudden sharp pain in the stomach
Feel about
Feel about blindly
Feel affection for
Feel all fluttery
FEEL an itch
FEEL an urge to scratch
Feel angry
Feel antipathy toward
Feel around
Feel around (for)
Feel around blindly
Feel around in the dark
Feel awful
Feel awful about
feel bad
Feel bad about
Feel bad for
Feel bad for the mean kid?
Feel badly
Feel badly about
Feel badly?
Feel below par
Feel Better Fast sloganeer
Feel bitter
feel bitter about
Feel bitter at
Feel bitterness at
Feel blah
Feel blindly
Feel blue or see red
Feel certain
Feel compassion
Feel compassion for
Feel concern
Feel concern about
Feel concerned about
Feel contrite
Feel contrite about
FEEL contrition
Feel contrition for
Feel crappy
Feel crummy
Feel deep compassion
feel deeply
Feel deprived of
Feel desire
Feel discontent
Feel distaste for
Feel dizzy
Feel down
Feel eager
Feel embarassed
Feel empathy
Feel envious
Feel euphoric
Feel excited, say
feel extreme happiness
feel extreme irritation or anger
Feel faint
Feel far from fine
Feel fatigue
Feel feverish
Feel feverish, e.g.
feel fine
Feel fluish
FEEL fluttering movement
Feel fond of
feel for
Feel for a light switch
Feel for the light switch, say
Feel free
feel free to contact me on social
Feel fretful
Feel fury
Feel good sensations
Feel grateful
Feel great anger
Feel great joy
Feel great sympathy
Feel grief
Feel guilty about
Feel gutted, less healthy, with no initial sign of life?
Feel hatred for
Feel highly embarrassed, in teenspeak
Feel ill
Feel ill will at
Feel in need of rest
Feel in one's ___
Feel in one's bones
Feel in one's gut
Feel in the dark
Feel in the gut
Feel inappropriately
Feel inclined to
Feel indignant toward
Feel indignation toward
Feel indignation towards
Feel indisposed
Feel inner anger
Feel inner rage
Feel instinctively
Feel insulted by
feel intense anger
Feel intense aversion
feel intense dislike for.
FEEL intense heat
Feel intense rage
Feel intuitively
Feel irate
Feel it the next day
Feel it the next day, say
Feel jubilant
Feel less angry, so to speak
Feel less than 100%
Feel less than chipper
FEEL like
Feel like a ___
Feel like a ___ in the machine
Feel like a boxer after a fight
Feel like garbage
Feel like it
Feel like punching something
Feel like quarreling about something
Feel like this? Go to bed!
Feel likewise
Feel limp
Feel longing for
Feel lousy
Feel low
Feel malaise
Feel malaise, e.g.
Feel me?
Feel more than disdain
Feel mournful
FEEL nausea
Feel nostalgia for
Feel nostalgia, e.g.
Feel nostalgic
Feel nostalgic about
Feel nostalgic for
feel obligated to
Feel of a 1963 musical?
Feel of a fabric
Feel of a surface
Feel of a surface or fabric
Feel off
Feel offended by
Feel one's ___
Feel one's ___ (be confident)
Feel one's ___ (be frisky)
Feel one's way
Feel one's way around?
Feel or become, say
feel or express sorrow for (a dead person or lost thing)
feel others emotions
Feel out
Feel out of sorts
FEEL over
feel pain
Feel pain or be in pain
Feel pain, perhaps
Feel pangs
Feel pangs of regret over
Feel peaked
feel penitence remore or regret for
feel penitence remorse or regret for
Feel pessimistic about
Feel pins and needles
Feel pity
Feel pity (for)
Feel poor
Feel poorly
Feel punky
Feel queasy
Feel queasy, e.g.
Feel ready to explode
Feel regret
Feel regret about
Feel regret for
Feel regret over
Feel relief
feel remorse
Feel remorse about
Feel remorse for
Feel remorse over
Feel repentance for
Feel repulsion toward
Feel rheumatic
Feel rocky
Feel rotten
Feel sad about
feel sad about missed opportunity
Feel sad without
Feel sick
Feel sickly
Feel similarly
Feel some ___ of way
Feel some pain
Feel some repentance for
Feel sore
Feel sore about
feel sorrow
Feel sorrow about
Feel sorrow for
Feel sorrow over
feel sorry
feel sorry about
Feel sorry for