Crossword-Question for ESTIVATION

1 Crossword-Question containing the word ESTIVATION

the act of spending the summer in a state of torpor view all
ESTIVATION is a 10 letter word starting with E and ending with N

Definitions & Synonyms

noun - ESTIVATION refers to the extended period of dormancy that certain animals enter in hot or dry periods.
noun - ESTIVATION also refers to the arrangement of petals and sepals in a flower bud before it blooms.

Anagrams for ESTIVATION

10 letter words from ESTIVATION Anagram
9 letter words from ESTIVATION Anagram
3 letter words from ESTIVATION Anagram
2 letter words from ESTIVATION Anagram

Crossword-Clues with ESTIVATION

Crossword-Clues containing ESTIVATION