Crossword-Questions for CLEAR-CUT

2 Crossword-Questions containing the word CLEAR-CUT

Definite, not vague Sharply defined view all
CLEAR-CUT is a 9 letter word starting with C and ending with T

Definitions & Synonyms

adjective - clearly or sharply defined to the mind
adjective - clear and distinct to the senses; easily perceptible
adjective - having had all the trees removed at one time
verb - remove all the trees at one time

Anagrams for CLEAR-CUT

9 letter words from CLEAR-CUT Anagram
5 letter words from CLEAR-CUT Anagram
4 letter words from CLEAR-CUT Anagram
3 letter words from CLEAR-CUT Anagram
2 letter words from CLEAR-CUT Anagram

Crossword-Clues with CLEAR-CUT

Crossword-Clues containing CLEAR-CUT